

Hii, welcome to my small place on the internet. This is just my personal website for random stuff cus i thought it would be fun to make one lol, anyway im gonna write more here later.

At the moment ill mostly be writing yume nikki stuff cus im really into that right now, but later on ill probably do a bunch of other stuff as well.

This is also just a place for me to play around with raw HTML and CSS and do cool stuff with it and get a small break from the modern web-dev environment.

Its still very work in progress and theres a lot of stuff missing (as u can probably see looking around lol) but ill continue working on this and hopefully make it really cool some day.


Currently working on:


General Interests

  • Programming: Mainly Typescript and Go
  • Web development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Yume Nikki and fangames
  • Celeste
  • (and more, might add later)